Wix Stores: Adding Store Pages

2 min read
Wix Stores comes with one shop page, with the default name "Shop". This page has a product gallery where to showcase your products. You may want to add more store pages, for example, to display different categories on separate pages.

Learn more about adding store pages:

Every store gallery displays a category- either the All Products category (which is created automatically) or one of the categories you created.

To add a store page that displays a category:

  1. Go to the Category tab in your site's dashboard.
  2. Click the category you want to display.
  3. Click Add Category to Site on the right.  
  1. Click Add Now.
  2. Select Create a new page for this category.
  3. (Optional) Edit the page name.
  4. Click Create Page.

  1. Select a site page or add a new one.
  2. Click the Add Elements icon   from the top menu.
  3. Click Store.
  4. Drag a Product Gallery onto the page. 
  5. Choose the category you want to display in the gallery:
    • All products:  No more action is needed.
    • A specific category:
      1. Click the gallery.
      2. Click Choose Category.
      3. Select the category you want to display.

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