Wix Blog: Changing the Color of Your Buttons

2 min read
Change the color of the buttons in your blog, both on your live site and within the Post Manager.
Make sure that you use a color that can easily been seen against your blog's background. For example, if your blog's background is white, you should use a darker color for your buttons.

To change the color of your buttons:

  1. Go to your Blog Posts page in your Editor.
2.  Click the Post Page in your Editor.
3.  Click Settings.
4.  Click Settings.
5.  Click the Design tab.
6.  Click Button and Background.
7.  Customize the design of the following:
  • Button text color: Customize the color of the text on buttons (e.g. the Create a Post button, Publish button, etc.).
  • Button opacity and color: Customize the color and opacity of the blog buttons.
8.  Publish your site for the changes to go live.

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