Customizing the Social Share Settings for Your Site's Pages

10 min read
When you share your pages to a social network, Wix provides the information you've included in your Social Share settings for the page. You can customize the text and images that display when you share your site's pages on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
In this article, learn more about:

About Social Share Settings

Open graph (og) tags are used by social networks to display text and images when a page is shared. By default, the values you use in your SEO title tags and meta descriptions are used in your Social Share og:title and og:description.
You can customize the following Social Share settings: 
  • og:image: Choose an image that reflects the topic of the page. Use the preview to see how the image will look in your social share. 
  • og:title: Add a title that summarizes the content of the page. We recommend keeping the length below 80 characters or some of the title may be truncated. Use the preview to see how the title will look in your social share.
  • og:description: Add a short description of the content on the page. We recommend keeping the length below 300 characters or some of the description may be truncated. Use the preview to see how the description will look in your social share.
Each social media channel uses its own criteria to choose the best title, description, and image for the pages that get shared on it. While it's likely the information in your Social Share settings will be used, it's not guaranteed.

Customizing Your Page's Social Share Settings

Follow the steps below to customize your Social Share settings for:
You can also create different settings for Twitter shares. Learn More 

Using Social Share Settings in your site's SEO Settings

If you want to apply the same Social Share settings to more than one page, you can customize your settings in your site's SEO Settings

Social Share settings that you use in your SEO Settings are used on every page that follows the SEO Setting. 

To customize in SEO Settings:

  1. Go to your SEO Dashboard.
  2. Select Go to SEO Settings under Tools and settings.
  3. Select the page type that you want to edit. 
  4. Click Edit beside SEO basics & social share.
  5. Update your settings under Social share. Learn more about customizing SEO Settings
Social share settings in your SEO Settings

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