Wix Partners Request: Selecting Partner Dashboard Automations in Zapier

Feature Request|We are collecting votes for this issue
Currently, when connecting Wix Automations in Zapier, it is not possible to choose automations created in your Partner Dashboard. However, it is possible to connect Partner Dashboard automations to Zapier using webhooks. 

To connect Zapier to Partner Dashboard automations:

  1. Create a webhook in Zapier
  2. Create an automation in your Partner Dashboard that connects to the webhook:
    1. Click Partner Dashboard at the top of your Wix account. 
    2. Select the Automations tab on the left.
    3. Choose how to create your automation:
      • From scratch: Click + New Automation at the top right. 
      • From a template: Scroll down and select a template.
        Note: Click View All to the right of a category to view more templates. 
    4. Set up the Trigger.
    5. In the Action, select Connect to Webhook
    6. Enter the Target URL of the webhook you created in Zapier.
    7. Set the Timing for the automation.
    8. Select Activate

We are always working to update and improve our products, and your feedback is greatly appreciated.