Wix Blocks: Creating an App and Opening it

3 min read
Wix Blocks is open to all Wix Studio users. To get access to Blocks, join Wix Studio.
There are several entry points to create Wix Blocks apps or open your existing apps. 

Entry Point 1: Custom Apps

Wix Editor
Wix Studio
  1. Open a Wix site editor (if you haven't created a Wix site yet, create one).
  2. Click the App Market  icon.
  3. Click Custom Apps.
  4. Choose what you want to do:
  • Create a new app: Click Create New App at the bottom. Wix Blocks opens and you can begin building your app.
A screenshot of the Custom Apps tab with Create New App selected.
  • Edit an existing app:
    1. Click the Available Apps drop-down to see a list of all your current custom apps.
    2. Click the More Actions icon  next to the app you want to open.
    3. Click Edit in Blocks. Wix Blocks opens and you can edit your app.
A screenshot of the More Actions button selected next to an app with the option to Edit in Blocks.

Entry Point 2: Packages and Apps

This entry point is helpful especially if you are used to turning on Dev Mode and working with Velo.
  1. Open a Wix site editor (if you haven't created a Wix site yet, create one). 
  2. Turn on Dev Mode in the top bar.
  3. Click Packages & Apps packages and apps symbol icon on the left menu.
  4. Click Create New App in the Custom Apps section.
Enter Blocks through Dev Mode

Entry point 3 : The Wix Developers Center

If you are used to working in the Wix Dev Center, you can also open or create your apps there.
  • To create a new app: create a new application in the Wix Dev Center. Then, add a Blocks extension to it in the Extensions page.
  • To edit your application: Go to the Extensions page of your app and click Edit in Blocks.
Enter Blocks through Dev Center

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