Spaces by Wix: Troubleshooting Issues in the Wix Mobile App

3 min read
If you are experiencing an issue with the Wix Mobile App, follow the steps below.

Step 1 | Check the following:

  1. You are using a supported device. The Wix Mobile App is supported on:
    • iPhone: iOS 11 and above
    • Android: 6.0 and above
  2. You are using the most up to date version of the app:
    1. Go to the Apple App Store (on iPhone) or Google Play (on Android).
    2. Search for 'Wix App'.
    3. Click Update (if available).
      Note: If no update is available, it means you already have the most up to date version.
  3. Make sure you logged in using your Wix account email address:
    1. Open the Wix Mobile app.
    2. Tap the Me icon .
    3. Check the email address listed under your name.
      Note: If it's the incorrect account, tap the Settings icon and Log Out. Then, log in using the right account credentials.

Step 2 | Try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Log out of the app and then log back in:
    1. Open the Wix Mobile App.
    2. Tap the Me icon.
    3. Tap the Settings icon.
    4. Tap Log Out
    5. Log back in using your Wix account credentials. 
  2. Close the app completely and reopen it.
  3. Restart your mobile device.

Step 3 | If the problem persists, submit a ticket with the following information:

  • A description of the steps you've taken so that we can recreate the issue on our end
  • A screenshot of the issue
  • The manufacturer, model and operating system of your mobile device (e.g. Apple iPhone 6s, Samsung Galaxy S4)
  • The type of connection you're using (e.g., 3G, WiFi) and the name of your mobile network (if you are using a 3G or 4G connection)
  • Your location
  • The version of your Wix Mobile App. To find this:
    1. Open the Wix Mobile App.
    2. Tap the Me icon .
    3. Tap the Settings icon  .
    4. Tap About the Wix App
    5. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen.
    6. Copy the number next to Version.

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